Meaning and Definition of Association in Sociology English Notes
State the meaning and definitions of an Association. What are its OR characteristics Meaning and Definition of Association in Sociology English Notes?
What do you understand by an Association? How is it differ from OR Society and institution ?’
What do you know about an Association? Explain its characteristics.
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Meaning and Definition of Association in Sociology English Notes: Man is a social animal, and his wants are numerous. The main difference between the needs of human beings and the need of other creatures is that the needs of the creaturs revolve around food, shelter, copulation and private defence, whereas, the needs of human beings are not satisfied despite the fact that their above needs are satisfied.

Their needs are so. many that for satisfaction thereof, they have to resort to the formation of organizations like associations. No single individual is fulfilling all of his needs on his own hence, he forms associations for mutual cooperation.
There are three ways whereby man satisfies his needs Meaning and Definition of Association in Sociology English Notes:
- The man is satisfying all his needs on his own.
- The man in the process of satisfying his needs is invading the interests of others.
- The man is satisfying his needs with the active cooperation of other members of society, and in the process is obeying all the social rules.
The first two of the above manners are almost impossible and unreasonable. Then there remains the third method asking for mutual cooperation in the matter of satisfying human needs. The concept of association relates to the third method.
An association may be defined in the following words:
- “Association is usually working together of the people to achieve some purpose.” –Bogardus
- The association is a group organized for the pursuit of an interest or group of interest in common.” –Maciver and Page
- The association is a group of social beings related to one another by the fact that they possess or have instituted in common organization with a view to securing a specific end or specific ends.” -Ginsberg
- An association is a group of individuals united for a specific purpose and held together by. recognized or sanctioned modes of procedure and behaviour.” -Gillin and Gillin
Based on the above discussion we may conclude that an association is a group of individuals united for the attainment of certain objects and aiming to reach at the target through some well-defined rules and regulations.
Characteristics of Elements of Association
The essential characteristics of the association are as below:
- A Group of Individuals: An association is formed by a group of two or more individuals organized for the achievement of common objectives.
- Determined Objects: Every association is formed after taking certain objects into consideration. First, there is the determination of objects, and thereafter, the association is formed.
- Organization: Every association is very well organized for the reason that organization is essential for the achievement of objects.
- Privilege to Certain Members: All the members of an association do not enjoy the same status in an association. There are some members conferred with certain additional privileges than the other members.
- Calculated Formation: Association is not naturally born but is a calculated creation. When the people are thinking to fulfill certain needs in cooperation, they gather and form an association.
characteristics of association
- Temporary Existence: Associations are of temporary existence. The moment, the objects for which the association comes into existence are fulfilled, it comes to an end. For instance, the Association for Flood Victims would be terminated the moment the danger of flood is over and rescue operations have been done.
- Sense of Cooperation: It is not merely through the group of individuals that the association comes into existence. There is an imperative need for active cooperation. As a matter of fact, cooperation is at the root of ali associations.
- Rules and Regulations: The affairs of every association are governed in accordance with certain rules and regulations framed by the members thereof.
Every member has to essentially obey the rules and regulations so framed, and the member causing the breach thereof is to bear the punishment as prescribed.
- Membership Optional: Membership in the association is optional. One may become a member and also leave her membership at any time depending upon his free will. This characteristic of association distinguishes it from society and community.
Difference Between Society and Association
The main difference between society and association may be described as under
- As society is related to social relations, it is invisible. On the contrary, association has external form, hence, it is visible.
- Society is permanent while the association is temporary and comes to an end when the objects for which it came into being have been accomplished.
- Society is a network of social relations among human beings while the association is a group of individuals for the attainment of certain goals.
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